Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Saint Joseph University of Beirut.
Director, Craniofacial Research Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Saint Joseph University of Beirut.
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Henry Goldman School of Dentistry, Boston University.
Member, Angle East Society of Orthodontists.
Member, Tweed Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education.
Lectured and gave courses on vertical dimension, asymmetries, mini-implants and adult orthodontics.
Published more than 40 articles on different topics.
All sessions by Joseph Bouserhal
17:00 PM
How to Treat Surgical Cases Orthodontically
Joseph Bouserhal
With the increased demand toward a better facial esthetics, orthognathic surgery has become a key factor in orthodontic treatment planning. Using surgical approach leads sometimes to an abuse if the clinician doesn’t take into consideration some guidelines that could be applied in borderline cases.
This presentation will try to clarify these guidelines and trace the border between surgery and orthodontics through complex clinical cases management.